

Kate Hale, Andy Smith


Follow the trail of 400 facts!

Did you know that a squid has a brain shaped like a doughnut? Or that some butterflies drink turtle tears?

Welcome to FACTopia! A world of perfectly amazing facts, all of which are verified by Encyclopaedia Britannica. Hop from topic to topic in unexpected and delightful ways, and discover what connects a giraffe with the Eiffel tower, or a slice of pizza with Cleopatra. On your awe-inspiring journey, you will find out extraordinary facts about space, bones, dinosaurs, spiders, sharks, robots, ancient Rome and more.

But there’s not just one trail through these pages: sometimes your path branches and you can choose to jump to a totally different, but still connected, part of the book. Who knows where your curiosity will take you!

This wittily illustrated book is the perfect gift to inspire and delight curious children.

400 crazily-connected facts: Every fact in FACTopia! is connected to the next in an ingenious trail of information, where dinosaurs lead to chickens and breakfast leads to black holes! Choose your own path through this dazzling world of facts.

Fact frenzies!
Sprinkled through the book are ‘fact frenzies’, where facts are linked with hilarious and unexpected word connections.

300 witty illustrations and photographs: Playful artwork brings these extraordinary facts to life and is packed with visual jokes that are guaranteed to make you laugh out loud.