100 Immigrants Who Made Britain Great


Louis Stewart et al


Beautifully-illustrated and written, this lively, engaging book celebrates the lives of talented individuals who came to the UK and built a sparkling new life here. From Hans Holbein to Marie Tussaud, Mary Seacole to Mo Farah, discover the real stories of people recognizable to children and adults alike, who have shaped our lives from business to food to medicine. Discover how:? Refugee Michael Marks founded Marks & Spencer? Banker Charles Yerkes built the London Underground? Scientist Ernst Chain developed life-saving penicillin? Activist Claudia Jones launched the Notting Hill CarnivalEach individual is celebrated with an original illustration and a short biography.

Many showed grit to make their mark on Britain after fleeing persecution or war abroad. All achieved their success through talent and hard work. 100 Immigrants Who Made Britain Great is a stirring gift for any teenager curious about how modern Britain came into being.

This book is an ideal accompaniment to Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls, 100 Great Black Britons and Amazing Muslims Who Changed the World. Tying in with Black History Month, this book is a great source of inspiring stories around immigration all year round. Here are the inspirational individuals featured in 100 Immigrants Who Made Britain Great:Ade Adepitan, athlete and TV presenterAlan Yau, restaurateurAlec Issigonis, car designerAlek Wek, modelAlf Dubs, politicianAndr?s Schiff, pianist and conductorAnish Kapoor, sculptorAnna Freud, psychoanalystArthur Wharton, footballerBarbara Cooper, RAF officerBernard Katz, physicianBushra Nasir, headteacherCarlos Acosta, ballet dancerCaroline Herschel, astronomerCharles Kao, physicist and engineerCharles Yerkes, financierCharlotte Auerbach, geneticistClaudia Jones, journalist and activistClaus Moser, statisticianConnie Mark, campaignerDeborah Doniach, immunologistDennis Gabor, physicist and engineerDietrich Ku?chemann, engineerDoreen Lawrence, campaignerEdith Bu?lbring, scientistEmma Orczy, novelist and playwrightErich Reich, entrepreneurErnst Chain, scientistErnst Gombrich, authorEug?ne Rimmel, perfumerFanny Eaton, modelFreddie Mercury, pop singerGeorge Frideric Handel, composerGeorge Weidenfeld, publisherGina Miller, entrepreneur and activistGraeme Hick, cricketerHans Holbein, painterHans Krebs, scientistHarry Gordon Selfridge, retailerHenry Wellcome, scientistIda Copeland, politicianIda Freund, academicIra Aldridge, actor and playwrightIris Murdoch, novelistIsaiah Berlin, philosopherJacob Epstein, sculptorJimi Hendrix, musicianJoan Armatrading, musicianJohanna Weber, engineerJohn Barnes, footballerJohn Edmonstone, footballerJoseph Conrad, authorJoseph Rotblat, physicistJudith Kerr, authorKaran Bilimoria, entrepreneurKarel Kuttelwascher, fighter pilotKrystyna Skarbek, wartime spyKylie Minogue, pop singerLew Grade, broadcasterLucian Freud, painterLudwig Goldscheider, publisherLudwig Guttmann, neurologistMagdi Yacoub, heart surgeonMalala Yousafzai, campaignerMarc Isambard Brunel, engineerMargaret Busby, publisher and editorMarie Tussaud, entrepreneurMary Prince, campaignerMary Seacole, nurseMaureen Dunlop de Popp, pilotMichael Marks, retailerMo Farah, athleteMona Hatoum, artistMontague Burton, retailerMoses Montefiore, bankerNasser Hussain, cricketerOscar Nemon, scupltorParveen Kumar, doctorPeter Porter, poetPrince Albert, royal consortRaheem Sterling, footballerRichard Rogers, architectSake Dean Mahomed, surgeonShanta Pathak, entrepreneurSislin Fay Allen, police officerSolly Zuckerman, military adviserStelios Haji-Ioannou, entrepreneurSteve Shirley, entrepreneurStuart Hall, academicTS Eliot, poetTessa Sanderson, athleteTrevor McDonald, newscasterValerie Amos, lawyer and politicianVenkatraman Ramakrishnan, biologistVera Atkins, wartime spyViolette Szabo, wartime spyWilliam Butement, scientistYasmin Qureshi, politician and barristerYvonne Thompson, entrepreneurZaha Hadid, architectBonnie Greer, the Chicago-born playwright and cultural commentator, introduces the book.

Buy the book to see what she says about the contribution of immigrants to the UK